AusDTO / gov-au-content-guide

The draft previous version of the GOV.AU Content Guide. We have moved:
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File size, download time & reading time #110

Closed joolswood closed 7 years ago

joolswood commented 8 years ago

What do you need?

A couple of users have raised intersecting suggestions relating to linking to files:

  1. Provide an estimated download time based on average connection speed.
  2. Provide estimated reading time for text file.

I think we should also investigate where we discuss listing file size in the guide. At the moment it is only in PDFs I think.

Which entry/section is this related to?

joolswood commented 8 years ago

We should investigate the user need for these. My gut feeling is that number 1 would cause more (content and technical) problems than it would solve, however.

maadonna commented 8 years ago

My opinion on this is that if people can't figure out what 'big' looks like (e.g. is 5MB a big file or is 5GB a big file) they are also unlikely to know what kind of connection speed they have.

What is 'average' connection speed anyway.

I think one of the game platforms does this (downloads in 30mins at nnnn speed). I'm always like 'cool, 30 minutes' and then I start to download and find out it is going to take all night. Not a good experience...

klepas commented 8 years ago

Provide estimated reading time for text file.

This can be done in dynamic templates, eg get the # of words for a section of content you want to give an estimate for, and then divide by 160–180, and give in minutes. (:

We can do this really easily in Jekyll btw (:

Related reference:

joolswood commented 8 years ago

Content clinic discussed this. We will return to it when we can.

joolswood commented 7 years ago