AusDTO / gov-au-ui-kit

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Error message patterns #394

Open jonathanconway opened 7 years ago

jonathanconway commented 7 years ago

When the user enters an incorrect/invalid value, we should notify them of this textually.

Speaking for Identity-IDP, we currently show errors on top and inline errors. The errors on top link the user to the field in question, making it easy to jump to the error and fix it (with keyboard-only if necessary).


Keen to see some discussion/commentary and see how other teams tackle error messages, and whether people want to make this a UI-Kit pattern.

klepas commented 7 years ago

@jonathanconway: It’d be good to cue in @ashnewport and @nathf on this.

I would love to absorb this from a team and provide this as a uikit pattern! (:

elisechant commented 7 years ago

@jonathanconway we had the same issue in Dashboards. We implemented a hybrid ui-kit bootstrap pattern. Maybe we can catch up about this today?

jonathanconway commented 7 years ago

Sure thing, @elisechant! I'll try to grab you for a quick chat today, if not, maybe at the next #frontend guild?