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Talks at Austin DevOps
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Potential Meetup Talk for Austin DevOps #10

Open andwaller opened 3 years ago

andwaller commented 3 years ago


DevOps that Matters: Demystifying CI/CD and Build Pipelines


DevOps is here to stay, and the terminology and concepts involved are now permeating the market. New products have been launched right and left that promise the benefits of DevOps - operational efficiency improvements and ultimately faster delivery timelines. Continuous Integration, Continuous Delivery/Deployment and Build Pipelines that accelerate every step of the Software Development Life Cycle are all advertised as idyllic solutions, but for exactly what problems?

During this session, Melissa will take a step back and answer the question that should be at the top of your mind: What is the problem we are trying to solve? She will discuss, from a developer’s perspective, the considerations you should take in order to effectively incorporate DevOps concepts into your existing environment. You will come away with a solid understanding of why these concepts are important, how to steer clear of the hype, and how to make the promised benefits of DevOps a reality for your team.

Requested Date

June - Dec 2021 depending on scheduling


Melissa McKay is a Developer Advocate for JFrog, Docker Captain, and a Java Champion. She is a long-time developer turned international speaker and is currently a Developer Advocate for JFrog, Inc., with a mission to improve the developer experience of DevOps methodologies. Melissa's background and experience as a software engineer span a slew of languages, technologies, and tools used in the development and operation of enterprise products and services. She is a mom, software engineer, Java geek, huge fan of UNconferences, and is always on the lookout for ways to grow and learn. Melissa has a passion for teaching, sharing, and inspiring fellow practitioners and you are more than likely to run into her in the conference circuit. Ari Waller - I am the Meetup Event Manager from JFrog and I am submitting this talk on behalf of Melissa McKay:

Anything else?

Here is an additional Abstract that Melissa speaks on that may be of interest:

Unpacking Containers: A Crash Course in Virtualized Container Technology (40 mins)

Containers have become integral to every phase in the lifecycle of application development. Production grade orchestration tools such as Kubernetes have been built to manage them and container platforms like Docker are becoming commonplace in both testing and development. Web tutorials on how to build and manage simple Docker images abound! But what are containers exactly and why have they become so essential to the DevOps ecosystem? This session is for those curious minds who want to look below the surface and really understand the mechanics of a technique that has actually been around longer than you may think.

Where did Docker come from? What about other projects in the container ecosystem - are there alternatives? What does a Docker image actually look like on the filesystem? How do Docker image layers work? What are cgroups? How are system resources allocated and managed? Are there any gotchas that you should be aware of? What about security? How do I manage my Docker images?

After this talk, you will have a solid understanding of the what, how & why of virtualized container technology.

nimbinatus commented 3 years ago

Hi @andwaller! Thanks for following the Meetup process! We're interested in having Melissa at an upcoming Meetup. Would it be best for me to ping you on LinkedIn to coordinate?

andwaller commented 3 years ago

@nimbinatus - email would be great! When were you looking to schedule?

My email address is

nimbinatus commented 3 years ago

@andwaller email sent :)

nimbinatus commented 3 years ago

Complete, and thank you!

nimbinatus commented 3 years ago

Er, well, wait. Ari spoke (and it was fantastic). This talk is still open 🤦

moutons commented 9 months ago

@andwaller @mjmckay now that we're getting rolling again post-pandemic are you interested in giving this talk at the meetup? If not I'll close the request. If you'd like to give a different talk, please propose it with another issue! Head to the meetup page to see what's planned so far!

Thanks! 🚀

psst! the CFP for DevOpsDays Austin recently opened!