AustinScola / illud

Text buffer editor and terminal viewer.
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Fix window drawing to use position #251

Closed AustinScola closed 3 years ago

AustinScola commented 3 years ago

Fix window drawing to use the window position. I took an approach here of rewriting the entire function because I thought I would be able to clean it up in doing so, but also because I thought the function before was too hard to read and understand. So, I thought it would be faster to rewrite. I think I was right on that account, but that I was wrong that it would end up cleaning up. The function is still gross. I wonder if it is in someway limitted in how clean it can become by the underlying objects it acts on. Does the buffer need to use lines for this to have the capacity for being clean? How much of the cleanliness of a system is capped by it's components?