Austinb / GameQ

A PHP Gameserver Status Query Library
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Intermittent false negatives #719

Open lewislarsen opened 8 months ago

lewislarsen commented 8 months ago

Hey Austin and co, I've run into a problem regarding false negatives when checking a game server, it will throw its hands up sometimes and report that it's offline, even if checking with other services proves it isn't and hasn't experienced any downtime recently, GameQ thinks it has.

I have only tested this with Source games so far (tf2 and gmod in particular) but it's a matter of when it happens, not if. It doesn't appear limited to a certain server or even my machine, as it still incorrectly reports downtime in production as well.

I have tried to mitigate this somewhat by creating three instances of GameQ and processing them two seconds apart, if two instances report that it's online and the third one doesn't, we can disregard the last result but I'm definitely interested in a better solution to my problem.

My confidence is eroding with these incorrect downtime reports unfortunately, I want to be able to trust GameQ if it says a server is online or offline.

If you have any solutions I would love to hear them.

(I also have never been able to query Minecraft servers. Would you be able to try testing with query + port = 25565 and see if you can get a response? Thank you!)