Austinb / GameQ

A PHP Gameserver Status Query Library
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Server appears always offline #83

Closed xFlip closed 11 years ago

xFlip commented 11 years ago

Hi, i have installed a Webserver with Apache2 on Debian. I uploaded my old website (with GameQ) but all Gameservers seem to be offline on the Homepage. Bzip2, Zlib are installed on the Server and the Firewall is disabled. I dont get any Error.

Thanks, Philip

Austinb commented 11 years ago

Have you tested multiple servers or just a specific one? If you have tried multiple please post a couple of game type and ip:query ports. Make sure you are querying the query port for the server (not game port). Most servers have separate query and game connection ports.

Also there is a debug mode for it to throw errors if there is an issue with connecting to a server. By default this is turned off.

xFlip commented 11 years ago

Hi, thanks for your answer. I found now the problem. It didn't worked because i had set magic_quotes_gpc = On magic_quotes_runtime = On magic_quotes_sybase = On

and now i have changed it to

magic_quotes_gpc = On magic_quotes_runtime = Off magic_quotes_sybase = Off

and it worked perfeclty like on the old Webserver! (File: /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini)