We need to be able to deploy pipeline build in #230 as XNAT "app" using deployment pipeline
Acceptance Criteria
[x] 1. Be able to run pipeline as XNAT pipeline
[ ] 2. Users should be able to select their parcellation file (ideally multiple different parcellations)
[ ] 3. Users should be able to access FS output files (potentially option to keep the fastsurfer output or not)
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### Tasks
- [ ] tidy up outputs directory (remove tmp folders, keep/move FS directory after final Parc is generated)
- [ ] create some sort of subject identifier (maybe this is automatically done?)
Epic: #17 Feature: #238 Feature Release: Required knowledge: mid-level
We need to be able to deploy pipeline build in #230 as XNAT "app" using deployment pipeline
Acceptance Criteria
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