Australian-Imaging-Service / pipelines

Scripts to generate analysis pipelines that can be run in XNAT's container service
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[STORY] Pydarfy different tools to do multimodal registration #294

Open arkiev opened 2 months ago

arkiev commented 2 months ago

This story stems from this post

DWI registration (and subsequent transformation) to T1 space is an important step in connectomics. There are a number of different tools available to complete this step. We want to provide the user with an array of tools that can be used to do the registration (and transformation), and thereby allow the user to select the registration tool.

Here are some possible algorithms:

Ideally, since we are moving DWI to T1 space, we will need to also rotate the bvec along with the DWI. This can be done using mrtransform. So, it makes sense to convert the transformation matrix to mrtrix3 format (using transformconvert and apply the transform using mrtrix3 tools (where possible).

Lestropie commented 2 months ago