Australian-Imaging-Service / xnat-openid-auth-plugin

GNU General Public License v3.0
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AAF Plugin Issues #1

Closed exxa-tech closed 3 years ago

exxa-tech commented 3 years ago

I had tasked myself with getting AAF working.

First issue was a typo which means in the pod - /data/xnat/home/config/auth/ displays:


rather than


This meant this the client_id was not being submitted for authentication to the AAF servers and automatically failing. The two files that needed updating were:

charts/xnat/charts/xnat-web/values.yaml and charts/xnat/charts/xnat-web/templates/secrets.yaml

Fixed / pushed here with this commit:

Second issue discovered is when submitting URL request to AAF it needs to be in the format NOT or again won't work.

After these were fixed. I get the following issue:

I can login fine but whenever I go to look at a Project, I get this error and I can’t view any data:

**Security Warning

Your account has not been granted access to this project's data. If you would like to view this data, you will need to request access. Request Access**

This is brand new XNAT, I made my user an Administrator, Full Data Access, that user created the project so is an owner of the Project and still no luck. I can access the images if I navigate to Browse > Data > MR Sessions or Subjects. I can also perform normal admin tasks.

I did find this in the Tomcat log files:

SEVERE: Servlet.service() for servlet [default] in context with path [] threw exception org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'scopedTarget.createRestTemplate' defined in Bean instantiation via factory method failed; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.BeanInstantiationException: Failed to instantiate []: Factory method 'createRestTemplate' threw exception; nested exception is java.lang.NullPointerException

Have tried with @vs49688 's repo - both prebuilt and compiled and the Radiologics prebuilt from USYD and same message.

@dean-taylor - Issue created as requested.

vs49688 commented 3 years ago

Could you please post the full stack trace with my version of the plugin? There's a few failure points in createRestTemplate(), so I'd like line numbers to narrow it down.

exxa-tech commented 3 years ago

It doesn't seem to be logging the issue anymore in /var/log/tomcat7/localhost.2021-01-18.log - that was where the error was. Having looked through the contents of /data/xnat/home/logs and /var/log/tomcat7 there is nothing I can discern to any issues apart from:

2021-01-18 15:05:58,637 [http-nio-8443-exec-3] WARN - The provider ID openid is enabled, but there is no configured definition for that ID

In security.log.

I noticed that my name comes up only as "Mr Alastair Ferguson" in first name only so I don't have a surname according to AAF / MQ. Not sure if that is relevant.

vs49688 commented 3 years ago

That's a configuration issue then. Could you check your fields against this?

exxa-tech commented 3 years ago

Did a diff of the actual properties file and the sample file provide above:

alastair@A::H::F auth % diff
< #
> #
< auto.enabled=false
< auto.verified=false
> auto.enabled=true
> auto.verified=true
< siteUrl=
> siteUrl=
< openid.aaf.clientId=XXXXXX
< openid.aaf.clientSecret=XXXXXXXX
> openid.aaf.clientId=
> openid.aaf.clientSecret=
< # Flag that sets if we should be checking email domains
< openid.aaf.shouldFilterEmailDomains=false
< #openid.aaf.shouldFilterEmailDomains=true - This will probably need to be changed when we go live###
> # Flag that sets if we should be checking email domains
> openid.aaf.shouldFilterEmailDomains=true
< #

I removed the actual client_id and secret. The rest of them don't mean anything or affect AAF running / permissions.

exxa-tech commented 3 years ago

Zane has fixed this with a couple of hours! @vs49688 Will assign to you to close and explain.