Closed KimBaldry closed 1 year ago
trans <- function(x){log(x,10)} inv = inverse(trans,lower = 0)
mylegend = SOleg(x = range, position = "topright", col = viridisLite::viridis(80), trim = -30, label = lab, breaks = unlist(lapply(seq(inv(range[1]),inv(range[2]), length.out = 5),FUN = trans)), tlabs = as.character(round(seq(inv(range[1]),inv(range[2]), length.out = 5),1)), type = "continuous",tcex = 0.5, lcex = 0.5,ticks = 5)
Returning error: Error in SOleg_inner(x = x, position = position, col = col, ticks = ticks, : object 'lmins' not found
I dont think I need a lmins defined. Should be fixed with this small change.
Fixed and pull request submitted
I am trying to make a SOmap legend with a log scale (specifying tick labels on a normal scale, at breaks in the log scale).
trans <- function(x){log(x,10)} inv = inverse(trans,lower = 0)
Returning error: Error in SOleg_inner(x = x, position = position, col = col, ticks = ticks, : object 'lmins' not found
I dont think I need a lmins defined. Should be fixed with this small change.