AustralianAntarcticDivision / palr

useful palettes for plotting data
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Remove ftp links #9

Closed mdsumner closed 3 years ago

mdsumner commented 3 years ago
that is

ActiveDriverWGS AncestryMapper BDgraph BayesSUR BioMedR CHNOSZ
CVR CePa ClusteredMutations D3GB DAAG DDPNA EPT EcoHydRology
FluMoDL GSDA GenomicTools.fileHandler HGNChelper HTLR HelpersMG
HiddenMarkov HistDAWass ICAMS IFP LDheatmap LogisticDx Matrix
MetFns POFIBGE PlasmaMutationDetector ProTrackR PtProcess
RFLPtools RGtk2 RSIP RWsearch RapidoPGS Rgb SAScii SEERaBomb
Stat2Data TSA UsingR VFS WaveletComp ade4 agridat anesrake
ape aphid astrolibR bayesGARCH berryFunctions biocompute biomartr
bomrang climate compendiumdb countyweather crn curl dLagM
datamart dawai dcGOR decoder dplR earthtide emIRT esmisc future
gap genoPlotR ggTimeSeries ggsci gms gsloid hoardeR hsdar httk
insect isdparser kernlab linprog mangoTraining manhattanly
mapmisc mclust metaMix metacoder meteo mlbench mlr3proba oc oce
oompaData openintro palinsol palr partitionMap pcaPP pegas
phreeqc plot3D polyRAD protr pscl qdapRegex raster rasterVis
rattle rdwd read.dbc remap reproducible rnoaa satellite satin
scopr seqinr sigminer smoothHR spam spatialEco spgs splancs
splusTimeDate steadyICA stellaR stevedata survey sysid taxizedb
taxonomizr textclean tfarima ursa usa varrank wflo wnominate
worldmet xfun yuima

Browsers are increasingly not supporting ftp:// sites -- AFAWK Chrome
and Firefox have removed support already this year and Safari and
(non-legacy) Edge never had support.

Please review your usage and change to https:// or http:// if possible
(possibly using another site).

It is not anticipated that R will remove facilities for downloading from
ftp:// sites in the near future but they will become increasingly
untested and secure sites (https:// since ftps:// is almost unused) are
much preferred.
mdsumner commented 3 years ago

done in