Closed Maschette closed 1 day ago
Hey, There is an error with the set_dt_utc function where it is expecting something from bad in line 48 and not finding it.
tst$oisst <- raadtools::extract(readsst , tst %>% select(Start.Longitude, Start.Latitude, date)) Error in if (any(bad)) { : missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed > traceback() 12: set_dt_utc(.) 11: dplyr::arrange(dplyr::distinct(files, date, .keep_all = TRUE), date) %>% dplyr::select(.data$date, .data$fullname, .data$root) %>% set_dt_utc() 10: (function () { pattern <- c("avhrr", "^.**sea-surface-temperature-optimum-interpolation/v2.1/access/avhrr/.*\\.nc$") files <- .find_files_generic(pattern) if (nrow(files) < 1) { stop("no files found") } files <- dplyr::mutate(files, date = as.POSIXct(as.Date(stringr::str_extract(basename(.data$fullname), "[0-9]{8}"), "%Y%m%d"), tz = "GMT")) dplyr::arrange(dplyr::distinct(files, date, .keep_all = TRUE), date) %>% dplyr::select(.data$date, .data$fullname, .data$root) %>% set_dt_utc() })() 9: eval(mc, parent.frame()) 8: eval(mc, parent.frame()) 7: withVisible(eval(mc, parent.frame())) 6: raadfiles::oisst_daily_files() 5: sstfiles(time.resolution = time.resolution) 4: readsst() 3: .is.positive.intlike(x) 2: .traceback(x, max.lines = max.lines) 1: traceback(readsst())
It seems to break both readsst and read_par in raadtools.
ouch, errors in HQ and not on nectar, I'll find out
Hey, There is an error with the
function where it is expecting something frombad
in line 48 and not finding it.
It seems to break both readsst and read_par in raadtools.