AustrianAudioGmbH / PolarDesigner

Plug-in allowing you to control the polar pattern of your OC818 microphone in up to five frequency bands. Developed by Simon, Thomas, IEM, and AA.
GNU General Public License v3.0
34 stars 4 forks source link

BUG Report: PolarDesigner with Cubase interaction produces audio noise/artifacts #11

Open seclorum opened 2 years ago

seclorum commented 2 years ago

Habe gerade eine Kundenrückmeldung rein bekommen zu folgenden Problem.

PolarDesigner verursacht in Cubase beim offline bouncen (export) zerstörtes Audio.

Cubase 11.0.30 Win 10 up to date Focusrite Scarlett

Beim realtime export tritt der Fehler nicht auf.

seclorum commented 2 years ago

Sample Audio files highlighting the bug are attached ..