AustrianAudioGmbH / PolarDesigner

Plug-in allowing you to control the polar pattern of your OC818 microphone in up to five frequency bands. Developed by Simon, Thomas, IEM, and AA.
GNU General Public License v3.0
34 stars 4 forks source link

Linux compatibility #15

Open edogawa23 opened 1 year ago

edogawa23 commented 1 year ago

Even though I don't own any of your mics (but would like to try and experiment with PolarDesigner using my two AKG C460B).

Under the name of Geekos DAW we're packaging audio/multimedia software for openSUSE Linux.

On my request our JUCE expert created a PolarDesigner package in no time, providing a standalone app, and LV2, VST2 and VST3 plugin binary subpackages, but none of them work for me. I've tried to instantiate the LV2 variant in Ardour 7.2, on an empty audio stereo track but as soon as I try and open the GUI, a massive feedback starts to build up. I can push down the track volume fader and it goes silent again. also parts of the GUI (most obviously the polar pattern circles) don't scale and aren't in their intended positions. Before spending any serious amount of time on further testing, I thought I'd get in touch here and ask if there is any interest in supporting native Linux builds?

Thanks, Edgar (a Vienna based theater technician and amateur musician)

seclorum commented 1 year ago

Hi Edgar,

Its possible you got caught in the middle of our updating the PolarDesigner plugin - we have a new version currently in works with a lot of fixes and new UI updates, on the aa-embiq-merg branch (Embiq are working with us to update the UI design) ..

Would you mind having your JUCE expert try to rebuild the aa-embiq-merge branch and see what differences you encounter? This would be valuable feedback, as we are currently gearing up to release the new version of PolarDesigner in the coming weeks.

Re: native Linux builds: YES For sure we would be interested in your experience with this platform - which we don't officially support yet, but do have a great deal of interest in seeing it work. So rest assured, we are paying attention.

tobiasfalk commented 9 months ago

@seclorum what version of JUCE do you use to compile the plugin? Because when I use the latest version (7.0.9) and try to compile it with CMake on Linux(Open Suse 15.5), I get this Errror:

Audio_Plugins/AustrianAudioPlugins/PolarDesigner/Source/../resources/customComponents/TitleBar.h:246:32: Fehler: »std::unique_ptr<juce::ComboBox, std::default_delete<juce::ComboBox> >« kann nicht nach »juce::ComboBox*« in Rückgabe umgewandelt werden
  246 |         if (selectable) return cbChannels;
      |                                ^~~~~~~~~~
      |                                |
      |                                std::unique_ptr<juce::ComboBox, std::default_delete<juce::ComboBox> >
seclorum commented 9 months ago

This is addressed in a fork we are working on internally at the moment - stay tuned for an update in the coming days.