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Community Managed Newsfeed #25

Open MouyouMoos opened 4 years ago

MouyouMoos commented 4 years ago

Proposal for creating a Aragon Newsfeed

News which are relevant for the development of the Aragon Ecosystem

improving and categorizing News

improving News in a newsfeed a user has mainly two roles: post content and like and comment posts

People who post content need the people who like and comment their post for feedback. If a post is good lots of people like and comment it. if its not good the opposite.

To make this process more efficient I introduce AAT (Aragon Attention Token). AAT is the token which rewards the people who post relevant content and who find relevant post by liking and commenting on it.

So how does it work? First AAT has to be distributed to active Aragon members. Each user who has properly verified as a unique user through BrightID receives a daily allocation of AAT as Universal Basic Income. With this daily income the user can create new posts, new channels and amplify post and comments. Each user can store up to three days’ worth of UBI-AAT before they stop receiving new ones. So in order to keep receiving UBI, the user has to spend them.

By posting, amplifying or commenting the user earns XP. The more XP a user has the higher the Level of the user and the more UBI s/he recessives each day.

User earn AAT every time an Aragon user amplifies their posts or comments. (examples) 55% of the AAT will go to the post creator and 45% will go to the amplifiers of which the first amplifier receives a larger share than the last amplifier.

categorizing News Each post has to be labeled at least with 1 and max with 3 hashtags and one class. Users can follow hashtag to personalize their News. Users can also follow or create their own Hashtag Channels, which combine posts from multiple Hashtags.

exchanging AAT for ANT In order for users to gain from their earned AATs they need to be able to exchange them for ANT. With the help of a bonding curve and the Bancor Formula each AAT will be always exchangeable for ANT.