I have imported the kml file into the Autel Explorer app to create a waypoint mission to shoot time-lapse.
If this works, I would like to implement this feature in my own app.
The problem is that the time lapse camera action and gimbal angle settings were not applied.
I followed the following video.
In Autel Explorer,
Mission→Select File→Waypoints→Route setting and set the following.
Gimbal pitch is 90 degrees, CameraAction is time-lapse, and Interval is 2S.
Then, I tapped the Confirm button, and when I flew, the gimbal remained at 0 degrees and did not move or take any pictures.
Movie is below:
Why? Is this a bug?
I have imported the kml file into the Autel Explorer app to create a waypoint mission to shoot time-lapse. If this works, I would like to implement this feature in my own app. The problem is that the time lapse camera action and gimbal angle settings were not applied. I followed the following video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NNHYtdLBubM&t=294s In Autel Explorer, Mission→Select File→Waypoints→Route setting and set the following. Gimbal pitch is 90 degrees, CameraAction is time-lapse, and Interval is 2S. Then, I tapped the Confirm button, and when I flew, the gimbal remained at 0 degrees and did not move or take any pictures. Movie is below: https://youtu.be/rz0ZYS0FFtA Why? Is this a bug? @AutelSDK