AutelSDK / MSDK2.0

Android Autel Mobile SDK 2.0 MSDK2.0
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Add support of SurfaceView video output #6

Open Ostape opened 7 months ago

Ostape commented 7 months ago

Hello, is it possible to output the video stream to SurfaceView instead of TextureView as an option? We need to display OpenGL SurfaceView custom views over AutelPlayerView, but it is not possible with the current implementation of AutelPlayerView as it uses a TextureView under the hood.

gilgulim commented 2 months ago

How did you manage to connect to the drone? I can't connect the drone no matter what I'm trying

huangsihua commented 1 month ago

How did you manage to connect to the drone? I can't connect the drone no matter what I'm trying

val keyManager = getRemoteKeyManager() viewModelScope.launch(CoroutineExceptionHandler { _, throwable -> if (throwable is SdkFailureResultException) it.resumeWithException(throwable) }) { val key = KeyTools.createKey(AirLinkKey.KeyALinkStartMatching) keyManager?.let { KeyManagerCoroutineWrapper.performAction(it, key) } onSuccess.invoke() }

huangsihua commented 1 month ago

Hello, is it possible to output the video stream to SurfaceView instead of TextureView as an option? We need to display OpenGL SurfaceView custom views over AutelPlayerView, but it is not possible with the current implementation of AutelPlayerView as it uses a TextureView under the hood.

please refer class MuiltCodecFragment