AutelSDK / MSDK2.0

Android Autel Mobile SDK 2.0 MSDK2.0
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Does an app key require for drone connection?? #7

Open ketan21071998 opened 2 months ago

ketan21071998 commented 2 months ago

I have downloaded the github repository for Autel Mobile SDK version 2.0.  I also compiled a SDK library for my project.  Now, I won't be able to connect my Autel drone to the application. I initialised the drone with SDK Manager, but that doesn't give any output. I have created my developer account and registered the application details. Is Appkey required for connecting the drone?? If yes, then how does it work? There is nothing mentioned in the version 2.0 release documentation. Please help me.

huangsihua commented 1 month ago

Please refer to the ScenarioTestFragment class inside the MSDK project: val keyManager = getRemoteKeyManager() viewModelScope.launch(CoroutineExceptionHandler { _, throwable -> if (throwable is SdkFailureResultException) it.resumeWithException(throwable) }) { val key = KeyTools.createKey(AirLinkKey.KeyALinkStartMatching) keyManager?.let { KeyManagerCoroutineWrapper.performAction(it, key) } onSuccess.invoke() }