AuthMe / AuthMeReloaded

The best authentication plugin for the Bukkit/Spigot API!
GNU General Public License v3.0
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How to connect AuthMe to XenForo2.0? #1468

Open DarkShyMW opened 6 years ago

DarkShyMW commented 6 years ago

Hello guys, how i can connect my AuthMe to XenForo2.0? Please i realy needed at it! Sorry for my eng

DarkShyMW commented 6 years ago


ljacqu commented 6 years ago

I'm sorry, I've kind of given up on it because it's closed source and no one has ever provided enough details for an integration. I know @sgdc3 worked on it in the last version so maybe he can offer an outlook for this.

sgdc3 commented 6 years ago

@ljacqu we should write a wiki page about integrating with cms, now i don't remember the exact steps to reproduce a working integration

DarkShyMW commented 6 years ago

Dear guys, please, I really need it

ljacqu commented 6 years ago

@sgdc3 Do you mean something like ? I think @KipperedSnack promised in #957 (which we should close, by the way, and create a follow-up issue if necessary) to deliver a working config at some point

DarkShyMW commented 6 years ago

@sgdc3 maybe you add this function to new version? Please:sparkles:

sgdc3 commented 6 years ago

@DarkShyMW It is already there, we just don't remember/know how to setup it properly

DarkShyMW commented 6 years ago

@sgdc3 may be Dev xf can help you? I wrote, but they say, that can help only developers.

DarkShyMW commented 6 years ago

May be anything changed?

sgdc3 commented 6 years ago

@ljacqu i think we could try asking for some documentation

ljacqu commented 6 years ago

That wouldn‘t hurt :)

DarkShyMW commented 6 years ago

@sgdc3 maybe you should try an external authorization? as here:

DarkShyMW commented 6 years ago

@sgdc3 but update code, because it so old

ljacqu commented 6 years ago

We accept pull requests ;)

ghost commented 6 years ago

So it does work. And for the record nothing has changed in XenForo 2.0.

However the current code for AuthMe needs altered a little if I recall or at the bare minimum some database triggers need to be setup.

There are some updates that need to be set etc.

I would spend some time on updating a fork however XenForo is pretty dated software. Even with 2.0.

I currently use NodeBB, and my own plugin for authentication/registration, group and rank sync.

I will however, take a stab at at least outlining the basic steps in the how-to somewhere.

Give me the weekend to finish some IRL work, and I will post this upcoming week.

sgdc3 commented 6 years ago

@KipperedSnack You are awesome :D

ljacqu commented 6 years ago

Hi @KipperedSnack, any update on the Xenforo front? :)

michelecoco commented 6 years ago

@KipperedSnack Is there any news?

ghost commented 6 years ago

Didn't they add a whole new version of XF that changed the auth tables?

michelecoco commented 6 years ago

@KipperedSnack I don't remember how XF 1 auth table was. This is xenforo 2 user authentication table:

mysql> DESCRIBE xf_user_authenticate;
| Field        | Type             | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| user_id      | int(10) unsigned | NO   | PRI | NULL    |       |
| scheme_class | varchar(100)     | NO   |     | NULL    |       |
| data         | mediumblob       | NO   |     | NULL    |       |
mysql> SELECT * FROM xf_user_authenticate;
| user_id | scheme_class | data                                                                                  |
|       1 | XF:Core12    | a:1:{s:4:"hash";s:60:"$2a$10$PJQnBGPkXgXRGNjqFMpJieHqCFEpUdNTHFO2HBdA37pegcsl5tGYa";} |
ghost commented 6 years ago

There's actually 3 tables you will need if it's anything like XF 1.x. XF authentication isn't isolated to the table you describe above. You will need 2 triggers minimum, and a small re-compile of the AuthMe code to account for better selections based on these before mentioned changes.

I guess I can install XF 2.0, but I don't have a license.

hlong1909 commented 5 years ago

how to config xenforo 2.0 with authme Xenforo 2.0 using two table xf_user xf_user_authenticate Please add update with new version xenforo :) Thanks all

DarkShyMW commented 5 years ago

and how? please help.

TheSirCororo commented 2 years ago

Help please! My players can register in Minecraft and login in Xenforo but changing password in minecraft or in xenforo don't working. What I need to doing?

1Pootis1 commented 2 years ago

Help please! My players can register in Minecraft and login in Xenforo but changing password in minecraft or in xenforo don't working. What I need to doing?

our players*