Open LoXR opened 4 years ago
May be in-fact due to me having two hubs hooked up to MySQL to sync data. Had one hub offline to do maintenance, and noticed my cracked alt was auto-logging in and not needing to /login due to the session re-connection. When I had both back online, was back to needing to /login again.
And will add, Im also getting /login even though im Premium w/ FastLogin. This is at random times, sometimes if when I go back to my Networks hubs it'll do it.
Same, was this fixed?
Wait, actually I don't have this issue. My problem is
I cannot reproduce this session preservation issue. It's actually an (imperfect but working) solution to the previous issue I linked to.
What behaviour is observed:
What happened? Players are needing to constantly login to play on my Network. I have the sessions enabled and to have it enabled for atleast 2 hours. But sadly that isnt doing anything. Even been told to turn of cache, although that had been turned off aswell.
What behaviour is expected:
What did you expect? For sessions to work.
Steps/models to reproduce:
The actions that cause the issue Unsure if its due to multiple Hubs and set-up to a MySQL database.
Plugin list:
This can be found by running
Plugins (36): ajParkour, AuthMe, ChatManager, ChestCommands, Citizens, CommandNPC, CookieClicker, EnjinMinecraftPlugin, Executor, EZLinks, eZProtector, FastLogin, ForceField, GroupManager, HolographicDisplays, HubHeads, icJukeBox, IPWhitelist, JoinSocialLinks, KiteBar, LevelPoints, MessageAnnouncer, MysteryVault, NametagEdit, NoCheatPlus, PlaceholderAPI, PremiumHub, ProtocolLib, ServerSelectorX, SignBoard, SkinsRestorer, Vault, ViaBackwards, ViaRewind, ViaRewind-Legacy-Support, ViaVersionEnvironment description.
Bungeecord w/MySQL sync
AuthMe build number:
This can be found by running
/authme version
Version: AuthMeReloaded v5.6.0-SNAPSHOT (build: 2396)Error Log:
Pastebin/Hastebin/Gist link of the error log or stacktrace (if any) No Errors
Pastebin/Hastebin/Gist link of your config.yml file (remember to delete any sensitive data)