Authenticator-Extension / Authenticator

Authenticator generates 2-Step Verification codes in your browser.
MIT License
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Unable to scan QR code. #1194

Open typeGH opened 1 month ago

typeGH commented 1 month ago

Describe the issue

qr issue athenticator issue

Chrome version: Version 125.0.6422.77 (Official Build) (64-bit)

Even after reloading the page the scan does not work Also, it says on the settings when you right click on the pinned extension: "Can't read or change site's data"




Browser Version

125.0.6422.77 (Official Build) (64-bit)

Extension Version


Sneezry commented 1 month ago

Try to zoom in/out the page, and it may help.


keytrap-x86 commented 2 weeks ago

The problem here is that you are trying to use this extension on another's extension page : image

Chrome doesn't allow you to do this. What you can do is download your QrCode to your computer image And then import it from here chrome-extension://bhghoamapcdpbohphigoooaddinpkbai/view/import.html?QrImport But since you already have to URL from which you are generating the QrCode, you can also import from "Text". Although, it won't work for you url as it's not the totp scheme standard. It has to look like otpauth://....