AuthorizeNet / sample-code-php

This repository contains working code samples which demonstrate php integration with the Authorize.Net API
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need help with createAnAcceptPaymentTransaction api return error all time #154

Open mysoc13 opened 4 years ago

mysoc13 commented 4 years ago

i am passing this data tocreateAnAcceptPaymentTransaction api and get

{ "createTransactionRequest": { "merchantAuthentication": { "name": "xxxxxxx", "transactionKey": "xxxxxxxxxx" }, "refId": "ref1566457911", "transactionRequest": { "transactionType": "authCaptureTransaction", "amount": "5", "payment": { "opaqueData": { "dataDescriptor": "COMMON.ACCEPT.INAPP.PAYMENT", "dataValue": "1234567890ABCDEF1111AAAA2222BBBB3333CCCC4444DDDD5555EEEE6666FFFF7777888899990000" } }, "lineItems": { "lineItem": { "itemId": "1", "name": "vase", "description": "Cannes logo", "quantity": "18", "unitPrice": "45.00" } }, "poNumber": "456654", "billTo": { "firstName": "xxxx", "lastName": "xxxx", "company": "xxxx", "address": "xxxxStreet", "city": "Pecxxxxrings", "state": "TxxxxX", "zip": "446xxxx28", "country": "xxxxUSA" }, "shipTo": { "firstName": "China", "lastName": "Bayles", "company": "Thyme for Tea", "address": "12 Main Street", "city": "Pecan Springs", "state": "TX", "zip": "44628", "country": "USA" }, "customerIP": "", "userFields": { "userField": [ { "name": "MerchantDefinedFieldName1", "value": "MerchantDefinedFieldValue1" }, { "name": "favorite_color", "value": "blue" } ] } } } }

and get this response only all the time

{ "transactionResponse": { "SupplementalDataQualificationIndicator": 0 }, "refId": "ref1566457911", "messages": { "resultCode": "Error", "message": [ { "code": "E00001", "text": "An error occurred during processing. Please try again." } ] } }

Gallenger commented 4 years ago

how to register?