AutoMapper / AutoMapper.Extensions.OData

Creates LINQ expressions from ODataQueryOptions and executes the query.
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GetQuery() returns wrong type (base class) in parent entity if configured TPH, but Get() returns correct type (derived class) #148

Closed agateeno closed 2 years ago

agateeno commented 2 years ago (Please refer to the example I uploaded in this issue)

In class SharedODataController, the line 37 returns this: { "@odata.context":"https://localhost:7048/odata/$metadata#Main(Child())", "value":[ { "Id":1, "Child":{ "Id":1, "Name":"name-01" } }, { "Id":2, "Child":{ "Id":2, "Name":"name-02" } }, { "Id":3, "Child":{ "Id":3, "Name":"name-03" } } ] }

line 38 returns this (and that's correct): { "@odata.context":"https://localhost:7048/odata/$metadata#Main(Child())", "value":[ { "Id":1, "Child":{ "Id":1, "Name":"name-01", "NameOne1":"name-01-01" } }, { "Id":2, "Child":{ "Id":2, "Name":"name-02", "NameTwo1":"name-02-01", "NameTwo2":"name-02-02" } }, { "Id":3, "Child":{ "Id":3, "Name":"name-03", "NameThree1":"name-03-01", "NameThree2":"name-03-02", "NameThree3":"name-03-03" } } ] }

You can execute by launching in your browser "https://localhost:7048/odata/Main?$expand=Child". If you want to pick the single child element: https://localhost:7048/odata/One / https://localhost:7048/odata/Two / https://localhost:7048/odata/Three

Version of .NET: 6.0.8 Version of packages: AutoMapper.AspNetCore.OData.EFCore 3.0.5 AutoMapper.Extensions.Microsoft.DependencyInjection 11.0.0 Microsoft.AspNetCore.Diagnostics.EntityFrameworkCore 6.0.8 Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity.EntityFrameworkCore 6.0.8 Microsoft.AspNetCore.OData 8.0.11

BlaiseD commented 2 years ago

Differences are expected (because Get uses Map and GetQuery uses projection). The tests should help you figure out the configuration for your use case.

Ok to refer to the broken code if you think there is a bug.

agateeno commented 2 years ago

I want to use the GetQuery method for performance issues. How can I solve this?

BlaiseD commented 2 years ago

First see if ProjectTo works by itself - otherwise maybe you're going in the wrong direction. It looks like you're expecting it to return multiple implementations of that child reference in the same instance i.e. what is SomeClass in Child = new SomeClass { }.

Get uses includes, GetQuery (projection) uses a LINQ select.