Closed adixon501 closed 4 years ago
You are correct:
Expression<Func<CourseDto, ICollection<StudentDto>>> selection = s => s.Students;
Expression<Func<Course, ICollection<CourseStudent>>> selectionMapped = _mapper.MapExpressionAsInclude<Expression<Func<Course, ICollection<CourseStudent>>>>(selection);
//Expression<Func<CourseDto, object>> selection = s => s.Students;
//Expression<Func<Course, object>> selectionMapped = _mapper.MapExpressionAsInclude<Expression<Func<Course, object>>>(selection);
List<Course> students = _context.Course.Include(selectionMapped).ToList();
Looks like the conversion to object
doesn't work for EF. We should leave this open.
should work in the meantime.
I have noticed that GetQueryAsync()
works in this case. But in my actual project (configured the same as this, just with a lot more tables), when I use GetQueryAsync()
it sends a massive query to the database (800 lines and over 160,000 characters). It eventually times out even though the odata string is simply /odata/Customers(1)
. The query is trying to expand every navigational property in the database. This is why I was forced to use GetAsync()
Neither function supports the entity key query. How about $filter?
@BlaiseD $filter
is for applying a condition for the results, whereas $expand
is for including child properties which is what I am needing to accomplish
Since I am sure this falls under the same issue, I have encountered the same bug when using the any
odata query operator
/odata/Courses?$filter=Students/any(c:c/Id eq 3)
System.InvalidOperationException: No generic method 'Any' on type 'System.Linq.Enumerable' is compatible with the supplied type arguments and arguments. No type arguments should be provided if the method is non-generic.
There are several tests in the repo showing filtering and expansion.
You might want to pull down the code, isolate the problem and create a PR where there's an issue.
The "conversion when mapping includes" problem has been addressed in the expression mapping repo.
The problem here is not what I thought it was. The following code (which is what the library is doing) works fine (once you get the configuration right).
ICollection<Expression<Func<IQueryable<CourseDto>, IIncludableQueryable<CourseDto, object>>>> includeProperties = new List<Expression<Func<IQueryable<CourseDto>, IIncludableQueryable<CourseDto, object>>>>
q => q.Include(s => s.Students)
ICollection<Expression<Func<IQueryable<Course>, IIncludableQueryable<Course, object>>>> includePropertiesMapped = _mapper.MapIncludesList<Expression<Func<IQueryable<Course>, IIncludableQueryable<Course, object>>>>(includeProperties).ToList();
IQueryable<Course> queryable = _context.Course;
queryable = includePropertiesMapped.Select(i => i.Compile()).Aggregate(queryable, (q, next) => q = next(q));
List<Course> students = queryable.ToList();
Is this in AutoMapper.Extensions.ExpressionMapping 4.0.1 or 4.0.2?
Edit: Never mind, I see it was PR from 402Preview03
@BlaiseD , will AutoMapper.Extensions.OData be updated to use 4.0.2 when its released?
Yes we're using the latest from AutoMapper.Extensions.ExpressionMapping
@BlaiseD I updated (on my local branch) the linked repro to use the Preview packages. And using GetAsync()
, still throws the aforementioned error. Do I need to open a new issue on the expression mapping repo?
I mentioned above that your error was not related to the includes mapping fix.
Parts of the configuration were missing/incorrect:
//CreateMap<Course, CourseDto>()
// .ForMember(dto => dto.Students, opt => {
// opt.MapFrom(src => src.Students.Select(y => y.Student));
// });
CreateMap<Course, CourseDto>()
.ForMember(dto => dto.Students, opt => {
opt.MapFrom(src => src.Students);
//CreateMap<CourseDto, Course>()
// .ForMember(ent => ent.Students, ex => ex
// .MapFrom(x => x.Students.Select(y => new CourseStudent {
// CourseId = x.Id,
// StudentId = y.Id
// })));
CreateMap<CourseDto, Course>()
.ForMember(ent => ent.Students, ex => ex
.MapFrom(x => x.Students));
CreateMap<CourseStudent, StudentDto>()
.ForMember(dto => dto.Id, opt => {
opt.MapFrom(x => x.StudentId);
.ForMember(dto => dto.Name, opt => {
opt.MapFrom(x => x.Student.Name);
The app type is a Hosted Blazor web-assembly. And below are the versions of the nuget packages I am using. There is an error that occurs when trying to expand a navigation property that is a many-to-many relationship. The classes are mapped to DTO classes that flattens the middle relationship class.
To run this repo, you will need the free version of SQL Server or better
Set the EfCoreAutomapperOdata.Server project as the startup project and navigate to the Courses page (https://localhost:44374/courses) and click on either course. This will throw the following error:
System.InvalidOperationException: No generic method 'Include' on type 'Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.EntityFrameworkQueryableExtensions' is compatible with the supplied type arguments and arguments. No type arguments should be provided if the method is non-generic. at System.Linq.Expressions.Expression.FindMethod(Type type, String methodName, Type[] typeArgs, Expression[] args, BindingFlags flags)...
See here - Entity Models and here - Dto Models for class definition
Automapper Config
Course Controller
Sample odata api query that fails
I have built demo Blazor WASM app for this issue to reproduce