AutoMapper / AutoMapper.Extensions.OData

Creates LINQ expressions from ODataQueryOptions and executes the query.
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$skip is not applied when $orderby is not defined #94

Closed darjanbogdan closed 2 years ago

darjanbogdan commented 3 years ago

I've encountered issue when using standalone $skip parameter, for example corebuilding?$skip=2

I think problem lies in GetQueryableMethod method:

if (orderByClause == null)
    return Expression.Call
        expression.Type.IsIQueryable() ? typeof(Queryable) : typeof(Enumerable),
        new[] { type },

So, if OrderByClause is not defined, only Take expression is going to be returned, without applying Skip expression.

Before starting with the fix, could you tell me if this is actually a bug, or intended behavior. To me, it looks like the bug.

BlaiseD commented 3 years ago

It's by design. I think EF6 would throw an exception using Skip without OrderBy. It's also recommended with EF Core.

Maybe it's a good idea to throw an InvalidOperationException if Skip is provided without OrderBy - so it's clear the logic is intended.

darjanbogdan commented 3 years ago

I agree with your point, however call to GenerateStableOrder is also skipped, even with EnableStableOrdering=true which is default. The reason for that is because ApplyTo is called only if FilterQueryOption is defined.

default behavior of MS OData lib:

This basically means breaking change from the client's perspective, any thoughts?

Note: OData spec says that service MUST impose a stable sort ordering, if $skip is included.

BlaiseD commented 3 years ago

Note: OData spec says that service MUST impose a stable sort ordering, if $skip is included.

I think that is what we're doing by not allowing $skip without $orderby. I won't characterize the non-call to GenerateStableOrder as being skipped. It's a feature this library does not have.

At some point we should get rid of the ApplyTo here is favor of just return (Expression<Func<T, bool>>)filterOption.FilterClause.GetFilterExpression(typeof(T));. I don't think it's quite ready.

That way we're generating all our own expressions.

We can add new features like GenerateStableOrder to QuerySettings and implement them.

Where do you see breaking changes?

darjanbogdan commented 3 years ago

Since the library depends on Microsoft.AspNetCore.OData package and uses it to build part of the expression tree I was under the impression that stable ordering behavior will remain unchanged (i.e. follow the base library; non-breaking behavior).

The complete paragraph in the spec states the following:

If no unique ordering is imposed through an $orderby query option, the service MUST impose a stable ordering across requests that include $skip.

So, current behavior as well as throwing an exception could be considered a violation of the spec. But I guess we just have a different view on the topic.

To conclude, I'm happy to help to implement that "feature", but to avoid a lengthy PR process it would be awesome if you can provide some implementation guidelines. For example, I was thinking to expose EnableStableOrdering prop on ODataOptions, and still rely on options.GenerateStableOrder method to generate OrderByClause if not present already.

BlaiseD commented 3 years ago

EnableStableOrdering is set on the server correct (using EnableQuery)? Did you mean ODataSettings?

Getting the OrderByQueryOption from options.GenerateStableOrder() works.

darjanbogdan commented 3 years ago

EnableStableOrdering is set on the server via ODataQuerySettings it is true by default (I'm not sure if it's affected by EnableQuery attribute, but that's not that important).

So, I was just thinking to reuse the same terminology and indeed extend ODataSettings with our own EnableStableOrdering property.

BlaiseD commented 3 years ago

sounds good.

jacquesroesen commented 3 years ago


I came across the issue just recently and I just want you to note that in case $skip cannot be used without $orderby, the generated paging links returned in @odata.nextLink won't be usable when the client sends a request without initially providing an $oderby field.

DanielGlos commented 3 years ago


same situation as @jacquesroesen mentioned @odata.nextLink is not usable with current implementation which definitely is spec violation. Is anyone working on this at the moment?

BlaiseD commented 3 years ago

I know I'm not. PRs are welcome.

darjanbogdan commented 3 years ago

Hi @DanielGlos, I also don't work on it, didn't have time to properly implement it back then.

What I did instead is a hack which is acceptable in my case, snippet example:

private static readonly PropertyInfo _orderByPropertyInfo = typeof(ODataQueryOptions).GetProperty("OrderBy");
public static void EnsureStableOrdering(this ODataQueryOptions queryOptions)
    if (queryOptions.OrderBy is null)
        _orderByPropertyInfo.SetValue(queryOptions, queryOptions.GenerateStableOrder());

GenerateStableOrder() is a method from the Microsoft.AspNet.OData.Query namespace and similarly should be used here in my opinion - just without reflection trickery :)

DanielGlos commented 3 years ago

@darjanbogdan neat, thank you! :)

wbuck commented 2 years ago

I'm assuming that skip without a corresponding orderby should also work for navigation collections as well?

So, a query such as /CategoryModel?$expand=Products($skip=1;$select=ProductName) should return an ordered collection of product name's minus the first result?

I'm trying to determine if this is a valid use case.

BlaiseD commented 2 years ago

Yes - I don't see why not - if we're going to allow it at the root then it should be ok for the nested collections also.

wbuck commented 2 years ago

I'm also curious about top. Currently, if an order was not specified but top was, then the following method call expression is created:

return Expression.Call
    expression.Type.IsIQueryable() ? typeof(Queryable) : typeof(Enumerable),
    new[] { type },

I believe in this case, a default order should be created for this case as well.

So far, implementing this at root is trivial, but for nested collections it's a bit more involved as there are no ODataQueryOptions on which to call GenerateStableOrder.

My thought here is to mimic GenerateStableOrder, which means determining which properties can be used to generate a stable order. Right now I'm just taking a look at what's being done here.

BlaiseD commented 2 years ago

That's a good point point regarding Top. Do we not want to apply the same rules? Maybe we should.

With regard to generating an OrdeyBy, the algorithm itself does not matter - better to use the same one in both cases.

Two ways to go:

  1. Select the first public property which is a literal type.
  2. Select all properties which are keys (If my memory is correct ASP.NET OData requires each entity to have an Id property or have the [Key] attribute applied).

Here's an example of some code getting the first literal type.

I like the 2nd option better. You'd be calling MemberInfo.GetCustomAttributes() to see if System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.KeyAttribute has been applied (if there is no Id property).

So if GenerateStableOrder is not available for both cases I would just create a new method which does the same thing.

wbuck commented 2 years ago

Yeah, so currently I'm generating a default order for the following cases:

  1. orderby is null but skip is not null
  2. orderby is null but top is not null
  3. orderby is null but both top and skip are not null

I agree with you about using the same method for generating an order, keep things consistent. I'll start on creating such a method and go from there.

wbuck commented 2 years ago

OK, just need to write a bunch of unit tests. Hoping to have a PR in for this before the end of the week (assuming I don't run in to a show stopper of course)