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Lane detection module on ROS Kinetic #15

Open RamsesReyes opened 6 years ago

RamsesReyes commented 6 years ago

Hello, I am working with car version 2 and ROS kinetic. I didn't find the lane detection module for ROS kinetic in the catkin packages, so I used the indigo version of such module, hoping for it also works on kinetic, it compiled, but when I run it I only get the next message:

The topics related to lane_model don't publish anything. The camera is working fine, and the topics related with it does publish.

Is there a version for Kinetic of this module or any way to use the Indigo version on Kinetic?

I'll appreciate any help, greetings.

ZahraBoroujeni commented 6 years ago

You should first read the wiki to understand the code! then you can adjust it for your car.