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How can I change seettings of the realsense camera RGB topic in the recent repositories of catkin_ws? #25

Open RamsesReyes opened 6 years ago

RamsesReyes commented 6 years ago

Hello, I'm working with the model car v2, I've installed the repositories released in November 2017. They work well, but I need to change some settings of the images published by the realsense camera RGB topic. In the datasheet of the realsense camera SR300 are shown some video stream modes that are available for this camera (Section 4.3, specifically Table 4-4). I would like to change between this modes and to change the publishing rates of the images.

I know there is a closed issue where someone ask how to change the rate of publishing, but the answer was to modify the launch file: catkin_ws/src/realsense_camera/launch/includes/realsense_r200_nodelet.launch.xml, which is not available in the recent catkin_ws repositories, at least in the one that I'm using.

Thank you very much in advance.

AutoModelCar commented 6 years ago
