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Fub Controller Example #29

Open rafacastalla opened 6 years ago

rafacastalla commented 6 years ago

Could you publish a simple example to test the path controller, please? Or correct this code, please?

I'm trying to do some code to test it.

include <ros/ros.h>

include <fub_trajectory_msgs/Trajectory.h>

include <fub_trajectory_msgs/TrajectoryPoint.h>


/ Starting point for the node. It instantiates the nodelet within the node (alternatively the nodelet could be run in a standalone nodelet manager). @param argc @param argv @return @ingroup @@ */ int main(int argc, char ** argv) { ros::init(argc, argv, "planner");

ros::NodeHandle n;

ros::Publisher chatter_pub = n.advertise<fub_trajectory_msgs::Trajectory>("model_car/trajectory", 1000);

fub_trajectory_msgs::Trajectory msg;
fub_trajectory_msgs::TrajectoryPoint points[2];

msg.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
msg.header.frame_id = "odom";
msg.header.seq = 0;


msg.trajectory[0].velocity.linear.x = 10;
msg.trajectory[0].velocity.linear.y = 10;

msg.trajectory[0].acceleration.linear.x = 2;
msg.trajectory[0].acceleration.linear.y = 2;

msg.trajectory[0].time_from_start = ros::Duration(1.0);

msg.trajectory[1].pose.position.x = 100;
msg.trajectory[1].pose.position.y = 100;

msg.trajectory[1].velocity.linear.x = 10;
msg.trajectory[1].velocity.linear.y = 10;

msg.trajectory[1].time_from_start = ros::Duration(20.0);

std::cout << msg << "\n";



AutoModelCar commented 6 years ago

There is a bag file contains a trajectory in the link below:

You can play the rosbag and then run the fub_controller.