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How can i use both, RGB and fisheye camera? #30

Open carlosAcun opened 5 years ago

carlosAcun commented 5 years ago

Hello, I´m working with car version 1 and ROS melodic. Now i can see the topics of fisheye camera when i launch usb_cam node, but the problem is when i launch usb_cam node, the node start_sensors_and_actuators is stoped. I want to now if i´ts possible to see both cameras at the same time (RGB camera and fisheye camera). I'll appreciate any help, greetings.

sundermann commented 5 years ago

We don't have any version 1 car around anymore, but it is possible to use both camera at the same time and that should also be the default. start_sensors_and_actuators is not a node that we provided (at least I cannot find any reference in the repository) and the provided manual_odroid.launch starts all required nodes.

carlosAcun commented 5 years ago

Thanks i already launched manual_odroid.launch, and the error is:

[ERROR] [1554280273.092306364]: VIDIOC_DQBUF error 19, No such device [usb_cam-5] process has died [pid 5109, exit code 1, cmd /root/catkin_ws/devel/lib/usb_cam/usb_cam_node __name:=usb_cam __log:=/root/.ros/log/9058a884-55ea-11e9-b22f-7cdd90a33018/usb_cam-5.log]. log file: /root/.ros/log/9058a884-55ea-11e9-b22f-7cdd90a33018/usb_cam-5*.log

I already change to the other usb conection, but i get the same error. I can lauch and see the cameras separately, i mean launching usb_cam package or realsense_camera package

and i don´t know how to see both at the same time I'll appreciate any help, greetings.

sundermann commented 5 years ago

Try compiling the usb_cam package yourself and also make sure that the usb bus can provide enough current. We have never run version 1 on melodic and thus it could be an melodic issue.