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Lane detection module #5

Open s3rgiux opened 8 years ago

s3rgiux commented 8 years ago

Hi, i have been working with your lane_detection module (the last one) but i have had some troubles trying to make it work, i have had the message error then the node stop working

* Error in `/root/catkin_ws_user/odroid-devel/lib/line_detection_fu/line_detection_fu_node': free(): invalid pointer: 0xa830f008 *

[line_detection_fu_node-9] process has died [pid 30174, exit code -6, cmd /root/catkin_ws_user/odroid-devel/lib/line_detection_fu/line_detection_fu_node __name:=line_detection_fu_node __log:=/root/.ros/log/bc0df9c8-94a6-11e6-a1c9-001e063038bb/line_detection_fu_node-9.log]. log file: /root/.ros/log/bc0df9c8-94a6-11e6-a1c9-001e063038bb/line_detection_fu_node-9*.log

i don’t know what could be causing this error and finally one question, how much time i need to initialize the real sense camera again because some times when i try to initialize the lane detection module from autostart, simply the camera doesn't works, the node starts but the camera never shows image (the camera isn't initialized).


ZahraBoroujeni commented 8 years ago


Simply to work with the camera, you need to run it twice! You should run it once, and you will see an error. Then you run it again, and it will work.

As you can see in there is a line which run the camera once and kill it after 10 second, timeout 10 roslaunch realsense_camera realsense_sr300.launch

after this line you can run the camera again and it will work. roslaunch realsense_camera realsense_sr300.launch

For lane detection, you should run the camera first properly. Best,

s3rgiux commented 8 years ago

Yes i understood that from the wiki. but the question is when i try tu put in the roslaunch after the timeout, the camera apparently initializes in the second time (both leds on camera are on) but suddenly the camera turn off the leds and nothing are shown example of my roslaunch that we execute after the timeout


<include file="$(find realsense_camera)/launch/realsense_sr300.launch"/ <include file="$(find motor_communication)/launch/motor_odroid.launch"/ <include file="$(find send_steering)/launch/servo_odroid.launch"/ <include file="$(find rplidar_ros)/launch/rplidar.launch"/ <include file="$(find light)/launch/light.launch"/

<node name="line_detection_fu_node" pkg="line_detection_fu" type="line_detection_fu_node"

<param name="cam_w"                         type="int"    value="640"/
<param name="cam_h"                         type="int"    value="480"/> 
<param name="proj_y_start"                  type="int"    value="50"/>
<param name="proj_image_h"                  type="int"    value="100"/>
<param name="proj_image_w"                  type="int"    value="160"/>
<param name="proj_image_horizontal_offset"  type="int"    value="0"/>
<param name="roi_top_w"                     type="int"    value="132"/>
<param name="roi_bottom_w"                  type="int"    value="54"/>
<param name="maxYRoi"                       type="int"    value="100"/>
<param name="minYDefaultRoi"                type="int"    value="0"/>
<param name="minYPolyRoi"                   type="int"    value="0"/>
<param name="defaultXLeft"                  type="int"    value="35"/>
<param name="defaultXCenter"                type="int"    value="65"/>
<param name="defaultXRight"                 type="int"    value="95"/>
<param name="interestDistancePoly"          type="int"    value="5"/>
<param name="interestDistanceDefault"       type="int"    value="15"/>
<param name="iterationsRansac"              type="int"    value="30"/>
<param name="proportionThreshould"          type="double" value="0.6"/>
<param name="m_gradientThreshold"           type="int"    value="8"/>
<param name="m_nonMaxWidth"                 type="int"    value="10"/>
<param name="laneMarkingSquaredThreshold"   type="int"    value="36"/>
<param name="angleAdjacentLeg"              type="int"    value="18"/>
<param name="scanlinesVerticalDistance"     type="int"    value="2"/>
<param name="scanlinesMaxCount"             type="int"    value="100"/>
<param name="polyY1"                        type="int"    value="155"/>
<param name="polyY2"                        type="int"    value="145"/>    
<param name="polyY3"                        type="int"    value="130"/>    
<param name="detectLaneStartX"              type="int"    value="155"/> 

<param name="maxAngleDiff"                  type="int"    value="999"/>

<param name="camera_name"           type="string"   value="app/camera/rgb/image_raw"/>      
<param name="cam_deg"               type="double"   value="0"/>
<param name="cam_height"            type="double"   value="14"/>

<!-- jack 13 720p calibration: -->
<!--param name="f_u"                type="double"   value="927.054138"/>
<param name="f_v"                   type="double"   value="935.428772"/>
<param name="c_u"                   type="double"   value="654.456376"/>
<param name="c_v"                   type="double"   value="346.241851"/-->

<!-- jack 13 640*480 - cut to only bottom half (640*240) calibration: -->
<param name="f_u"                   type="double"   value="655.554626"/>
<param name="f_v"                   type="double"   value="652.052734"/>
<param name="c_u"                   type="double"   value="312.773367"/>
<param name="c_v"                   type="double"   value="7.779505"/>



apparently works good if the camera its initialized first and then we execute the lane detection module, but also suddenly shows the error mentioned before

* Error in `/root/catkin_ws_user/odroid-devel/lib/line_detection_fu/line_detection_fu_node': free(): invalid pointer: 0xa830f008 *

Thank you


Inveduc commented 7 years ago

Hi, where can I buy a automodelcar wiki?

AutoModelCar commented 7 years ago

@Inveduc : Please send an email to, or to buy a model car.

Inveduc commented 7 years ago

Thank you!! good day