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Add view for adding organization project to personal server #128

Closed MrPrecise closed 3 years ago

MrPrecise commented 3 years ago


Make a front end for viewing project in the organization. This view will be where users can add a project to their servers. First make a of the page, update it here and then start development of the view.

List of requirement for this issue

  1. Update a wireframe for this issue
  2. View need to contain all the information that the project holds (Title, Description, Type, Tags)
  3. View need to contain a front end button to add the project on a server
  4. (NB! May be subject to change due to keycloak rights aren't set in stone) Make different rights in the view depending on role if you can see the source code etc.

Screenshots: image

MrPrecise commented 3 years ago

Untitled Diagram-Org Project View (3)