AutoResearch / EEG-GAN

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Explore different data lengths #13

Closed chadcwilliams closed 4 months ago

chadcwilliams commented 1 year ago

I encountered an issue where inputting data into EEG-GAN training would crash unless the time-series were exactly 100 datapoints.

Screenshot_2023-05-02 13_35_52

whyhardt commented 1 year ago

Did you want to give a sequence of 82 data points to the GAN when it was constructed for and trained with sequences of length 100 ? In that case, this error would make sense

whyhardt commented 1 year ago

As far as I can remember, that error did not show up when training on other datasets - or were they sampled down to 100 data points as well?

chadcwilliams commented 1 year ago

This issue was created a long time ago, so it could just be I screwed up (as I wasn't familiar with the code back then). I kept it up here just to test it and make sure it's not a problem anymore.

whyhardt commented 1 year ago

aaaah okay I understand

chadcwilliams commented 4 months ago

This is no longer an issue.