AutoViML / AutoViz

Automatically Visualize any dataset, any size with a single line of code. Created by Ram Seshadri. Collaborators Welcome. Permission Granted upon Request.
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ImportError: cannot import name 'rx' from 'param' #100

Closed CorneliusFranken closed 9 months ago

CorneliusFranken commented 9 months ago

Python version: 3.9 Environment Environment set up with latest requirements.txt, plus following packages: ipykernel pandas openpyxl

Error code line from autoviz import AutoViz_Class

Error produced: { "name": "ImportError", "message": "cannot import name 'rx' from 'param' (c:\EnvPython\EDA\venv_EDA_Autoviz\lib\site-packages\param\", "stack": "--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ImportError Traceback (most recent call last) x:\CJF\python\chainladder\Sandpit_cjf\Infrasure_EDA_Autoviz.ipynb Cell 7 line 2 1 # load the autoviz ----> 2 from autoviz import AutoViz_Class

File c:\EnvPython\EDA\venv_EDA_Autoviz\lib\site-packages\autoviz\ 1 name = \"autoviz\" 2 from .version import version, __holo_version__ ----> 3 from .AutoViz_Class import AutoViz_Class 4 from .AutoViz_Class import data_cleaning_suggestions 5 from .AutoViz_Class import FixDQ

File c:\EnvPython\EDA\venv_EDA_Autoviz\lib\site-packages\autoviz\ 59 from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split 60 ########################################################################################## ---> 61 from autoviz.AutoViz_Holo import AutoViz_Holo 62 from autoviz.AutoViz_Utils import save_image_data, save_html_data, analyze_problem_type, draw_pivot_tables, draw_scatters 63 from autoviz.AutoViz_Utils import draw_pair_scatters, plot_fast_average_num_by_cat, draw_barplots, draw_heatmap

File c:\EnvPython\EDA\venv_EDA_Autoviz\lib\site-packages\autoviz\ 3 import pandas as pd 4 ############# Import from autoviz.AutoViz_Class the following libraries ####### ----> 5 from autoviz.AutoViz_Utils import * 6 ############## make sure you use: conda install -c pyviz hvplot ############### 7 import hvplot.pandas # noqa

File c:\EnvPython\EDA\venv_EDA_Autoviz\lib\site-packages\autoviz\ 59 from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split 60 ######## This is where we import HoloViews related libraries ######### ---> 61 import hvplot.pandas 62 import holoviews as hv 63 from holoviews import opts

File c:\EnvPython\EDA\venv_EDA_Autoviz\lib\site-packages\hvplot\ 5 import textwrap 7 import param ----> 8 import holoviews as _hv 10 from holoviews import Store 12 from .converter import HoloViewsConverter

File c:\EnvPython\EDA\venv_EDA_Autoviz\lib\site-packages\holoviews\ 8 version = str(param.version.Version(fpath=file, archive_commit=\"$Format:%h$\", 9 reponame=\"holoviews\")) 11 from . import util # noqa (API import) ---> 12 from .annotators import annotate # noqa (API import) 13 from .core import archive, config # noqa (API import) 14 from .core.boundingregion import BoundingBox # noqa (API import)

File c:\EnvPython\EDA\venv_EDA_Autoviz\lib\site-packages\holoviews\ 6 from inspect import getmro 8 import param ---> 10 from panel.pane import PaneBase 11 from panel.layout import Row, Tabs 12 from panel.util import param_name

File c:\EnvPython\EDA\venv_EDA_Autoviz\lib\site-packages\panel\ 1 \"\"\" 2 Panel is a high level app and dashboarding framework 3 ==================================================== (...) 46 47 \"\"\" ---> 48 from param import rx 50 from . import chat # noqa 51 from . import layout # noqa

ImportError: cannot import name 'rx' from 'param' (c:\EnvPython\EDA\venv_EDA_Autoviz\lib\site-packages\param\" }

AutoViML commented 9 months ago

Hi @CorneliusFranken 👍 Can you please check online if this is an error due to various hvplot versions? I am sorry I can't fix these kinds of issues.