Autodesk-Forge / bim360appstore-model.derivative-nodejs-xls.exporter

BIM360 data to Excel: Let you export the Revit data, hosted on BIM360, into an Excel file
MIT License
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Random undefined on open model #7

Open augustogoncalves opened 6 years ago

augustogoncalves commented 6 years ago

Getting this error when trying to open the file, random, but maybe missing a "not null/undefeined check" is missing

viewer3D.min.js?v=v2.15:4 GET 400 (Bad Request)   i.rawGet @ viewer3D.min.js?v=v2.15:4
  i.getManifest @ viewer3D.min.js?v=v2.15:4
  j @ viewer3D.min.js?v=v2.15:20
  d.load @ viewer3D.min.js?v=v2.15:20
  d.loadDocument @ viewer3D.min.js?v=v2.15:21
  ** onInitialized @ forge.viewer.js:42**
wallabyway commented 6 years ago

bumped to viewer v2.16 which, I believe, should address this console error. (hard to reproduce)