Autodesk / Aurora

Real-time GPU path tracing with a USD Hydra render delegate
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Failed to create Hgi instance. #28

Open L-Aidan opened 1 year ago

L-Aidan commented 1 year ago

Windows 10 RTX 3080, Nvidia Driver 522.06, Cuda 11.8

Vulkan SDK is runnable.

run Plasma.exe, and I got this: image

L-Aidan commented 1 year ago

I find the problem is: Coding Error: in _MakeNewPlatformDefaultHgi at line 103 of E:\Aurora\AuroraExternals\src\USD-22.08-Aurora-v22.11\pxr\imaging\hgi\hgi.cpp -- [PluginLoad] Cannot manufacture type 'HgiVulkan' But I don't know how to fix it, Could you help me ? Please.

pixnblox commented 1 year ago

Do you have the latest / recent version of the Vulkan SDK? Should be at least 1.3.

L-Aidan commented 1 year ago

Yes, the version of the Vulkan SDK is 1.3.243

gareth-morgan-autodesk commented 12 months ago

On windows, it should default to the DirectX version. Did you enable the HGI backend with the cmake flag ENABLE_HGI_BACKEND?

L-Aidan commented 12 months ago

Yes, I followed the build instructions. these are my cmds: python Scripts\ ..\AuroraExternals --build-variant All -v cmake -S . -B Build -D EXTERNALS_ROOT=E:\Aurora\AuroraExternals -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" -A x64 -D ENABLE_HGI_BACKEND=ON -D ENABLE_DIRECTX_BACKEND=OFF cmake --build Build --config Debug cd Build\bin\Debug Plasma.exe