Autodesk / hubble

🛰 Collaboration, usage, and health data visualization for GitHub Enterprise
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programming languages in use #108

Open mlbright opened 6 years ago

mlbright commented 6 years ago

GitHub has data about programming languages used in all its repositories. Given a .tsv of orgs, repos and languages in use, would it be interesting to add some kind of visualization like a bubble chart? If the .tsv file has (language, number-of-characters) tuples, this should be possible. If we want to break it down by organization, something like this might be interesting too.

pluehne commented 6 years ago

@mlbright: Thanks for the suggestion. I agree that it would be interesting to visualize the programming language usage in Hubble.

The bubble charts really look cool and would fit nicely into Hubble. I think that bubble charts have some drawbacks conveying certain types of information (for example, finding out the order of the data points, or comparing the size of two data points that are farther apart). However, this might not be relevant for a chart about programming languages 🙂. I’ll think about this, but from my perspective, we could already start collecting the information 😄.