Autodesk / maya-usd

A common USD (Universal Scene Description) plugin for Autodesk Maya
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An issue with Qt while building #3817

Open CPlusPlus-enthusiast opened 3 weeks ago

CPlusPlus-enthusiast commented 3 weeks ago

While trying to build the following error is printed.

CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:177 (message):
  Could not find Qt in Maya devkit directory:


This is the command I am using for building python --devkit-location "C:\backup\Autodesk_Maya_2024_2_Update_DEVKIT_Windows\devkitBase" --maya-location "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2024" --no-materialx --pxrusd-location C:\backup\USD_2311 --generator "Visual Studio 16 2019" --build-args="-DPYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR=C:/Program\ Files/Autodesk/Maya2024/include/Python310/Python,-DPython_EXECUTABLE=C:/Program\ Files/Autodesk/Maya2024/bin/mayapy.exe,-DPYTHON_LIBRARIES=C:/Program\ Files/Autodesk/Maya2024/lib/python310.lib,-DBUILD_WITH_PYTHON_3=ON,-DBUILD_WITH_PYTHON_3_VERSION=3.10,-DBUILD_AL_PLUGIN=OFF,-DBUILD_PXR_PLUGIN=ON,-DBUILD_TESTS=OFF,-DBUILD_AL_PLUGIN=OFF,-DBUILD_ADSK_PLUGIN=OFF,-DBUILD_MAYAUSD_LIBRARY=OFF,-DMaterialX_DIR=C:/backup/USD/lib/cmake/MaterialX" "C:/extbuild/MayaUsd_Build"

seando-adsk commented 3 weeks ago

From your build command it looks like you are simply wanting to build only the Pixar plugin. For all three plugins (MayaUsd, Pixar, AL) the MayaUsd library is needed - it is the base for all three plugins. So change -DBUILD_MAYAUSD_LIBRARY=ON and it should work.

There is an cmake check for that, but unfortunately it is below the Qt check. FYI, the Qt check failed because you had the maya usd library off which meant it didn't try and find Maya, so it skipped trying to find Qt.
