AutodeskAILab / Fusion360GalleryDataset

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Some problems encountered when running assembly2cad #94

Closed nylvy closed 1 year ago

nylvy commented 1 year ago

Why this file only has no code for the function to run, what parameter should be passed to the context of the run function, I tried to pass a random number and run it. But unfortunately, he has an error, in the following two lines of code: temp_brep_mgr = adsk.fusion.TemporaryBRepManager.get() breps = temp_brep_mgr.createFromFile(str(smt_file)) This return value is shown below: temp_brep_mgr :is_Valid = False objectType = ' ' breps : count = 0 is_Valid = False objectType = ' ' Is this a case of not getting the smt file data? I checked the smt_file path and there is no problem. I hope you can give me a little help when you have the time, thank you very much!

nylvy commented 1 year ago

I tried to open this script in Fusion 360 and rebuilt the cad model, but I don't see the dynamic assembly effect in the first drawing of READE, is this correct?

karldd commented 1 year ago

I'm going to need some more information here to test this. For example, what file you are trying to run, what the code is, what the error is etc...