AutodeskAILab / Fusion360GalleryDataset

Data, tools, and documentation of the Fusion 360 Gallery Dataset
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Questions about assembly datasets #97

Open nylvy opened 1 year ago

nylvy commented 1 year ago

I read your instructions in the assembly dataset, but I have some confusion.

You have introduced a concept in the assemblyset called components, which can be composed of one or more parts. In your assembly dataset you have derived a concept called components, which can be composed of one or more parts. I see that in your assembly json file you provide joint and as_built_joint as a clue to the connection between different ocurrence, but for ocurrence with multiple parts you don't provide information about the connection between these parts, nor do you have smt, step or obj files for the ocurrence. step or obj file of the ocurrence. So based on this data how should I compose this ocurrence with these parts? Also I would like to know for ocurrence, component, body names in the assembly dataset are a long string of numbers and letters as their UUIDs, what are these UUIDs generated based on? Do they have any special meaning?

I hope you can answer my questions at your convenience, thank you!

karldd commented 1 year ago

From the documentation here:


Instances of components, referencing the parent component with instance properties such as location, orientation, and visibility


Components containing bodies or other components to form sub-assemblies


The underlying 3D shape geometry in the B-Rep format

So the best way to think of an occurrence is like in object oriented programing, where the component is the class and the occurrence is the instance of a class. The component houses the body, which has the actual geometry. The occurrence is just an instance of a component with its own transform, color etc. If you have two occurrences, and update the geometry of the body in their component, both occurrences will update.

Note that we don't "introduce" these concepts, these exist in the Fusion 360 API see:

The UUIDs are random, they only have meaning in the context of the assembly to indicate unique ids for cross-referencing.

ylliu919 commented 8 months ago

Hi, Thank you for providing such a fantastic and innovative project for machine learning. We can use "search" tools to quickly test the automatic reconstruction of a BREP by inputting an SMT file. We would like to know if the sample code used in your paper (JoinABLe: Learning Bottom-up Assembly of Parametric CAD Joints) is provided in this project, then we can test the function of automatic assembly. Thanks! Best regards, Vincent