AutodeskRoboticsLab / Mimic

An open-source Maya plugin for controlling Industrial Robots. Written in Python 3.
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Feature Request: Time-based driver for ABB #17

Open evanatherton opened 3 years ago

evanatherton commented 3 years ago

I export a RAPID and run it on ABB The speed result is different from the simulation result from Mimic What's wrong?

Originally posted by @andy3336 in

evanatherton commented 3 years ago

Hi @andy3336, that's a known limitation of the ABB RAPID post-processor as RAPID itself is not time-based.

If you want to use Mimic with an ABB and have the timing match Maya's timing, you need to create your own driver on the robot controller side (for example, using EGM).

It might be worth reaching out to ABB to see if they can offer guidance

If you already have a time-based driver, then we can easily write a post-processor that formats the data in whatever way you need (like a CSV, etc)

andy3336 commented 3 years ago

Thanks very much

I will try according to your method

jarpekar commented 3 years ago

Hi in ABB robots there is natively -T parameter , its very rarely used and not many people iven know that . Developeres from Sweeden told me some bugs in motion planners aswel. This time parameter override speed acc and calculate trajectory based on time. Means that from point other point it will take exaclty time you set. Maybe there is solution that you can generate time paths between points and onle set them in generated code. .... hope it willhelp .)

Ardibid commented 3 years ago

I will probably test this feature next week and report on that!