AutomatedOwl / allure-environment-writer

Java library which allows to write environment.xml file into allure-results directory.
Apache License 2.0
24 stars 5 forks source link

ENV not visible #1

Open dudziakm opened 5 years ago

dudziakm commented 5 years ago

Hello, I am trying to use this solution :) I have test project with Java + Selenium + Gradle + TestNg.

Gradle: compile group: 'com.github.automatedowl', name: 'allure-environment-writer', version: '1.0.0' testCompile group: 'com.github.automatedowl', name: 'allure-environment-writer', version: '1.0.0'

Code: @BeforeSuite void setAllureEnvironment() { allureEnvironmentWriter( ImmutableMap.<String, String>builder() .put("Browser", "Chrome") .put("Browser.Version", "70.0.3538.77") .put("URL", "") .build()); }

And I see no information about the environment now :(

AutomatedOwl commented 5 years ago

Please attach code sample or the whole repo if possible for bug reproduction. Please attach any received exception. @dudziakm

dudziakm commented 5 years ago

I just copy-pasted your solution: there was no issue or exception :(

AutomatedOwl commented 5 years ago

clone the whole repository and run with 'mvn test'. then check allure report and see the values.

gabrielstar commented 4 years ago

I had the same issue although with junit. After adding

com.github.automatedowl allure-environment-writer 1.0.0

to my pom ( file and attempted to use like this:

public class BaseTests {
    static {
    private static void setAllureEnvironment() {
                ImmutableMap.<String, String>builder()
                        .put("Browser", "Chrome")
                        .put("Browser.Version", "70.0.3538.77")
                        .put("URL", "")
                        .build(), System.getProperty("user.dir")
                        + "/target/allure-results/");

Allure results stopped to be generated to target/ in xml format and were generated to root of the project instead in json format. I also noticed that though I downloaded junit-selenide-allure I had testng attempt from surefire in pom which is surprising (it was there from beginning)

TestNG] [ERROR] No test suite found. Nothing to run
Usage: <main class> [options] The XML suite files to run

I solved both of those issues by forcing surefire to explicitely use junit provider to run tests as oppose to testng:




Though your issue is not 100% the same, perhaps this line of thought could help you.