AutomatedTester / browsermob-proxy-py

A python wrapper for Browsermob Proxy
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fix for Firefox() vs Remote() #12

Closed adamgoucher closed 11 years ago

adamgoucher commented 11 years ago

I believe the java code uppercases the proxy type before doing the comparison which is why sending the proxyType as 'manual' worked for Remote() but not Firefox(). At least, that's the only thing I changed.

AutomatedTester commented 11 years ago

@davehunt has noticed that this patch creates a regression. Please can you check with him about that

davehunt commented 11 years ago

No, the current master is not working for me..

AutomatedTester commented 11 years ago

Merged. @davehunt I will check to see if there is anything broken. I think there is a fix in there for a general regression but will check further.