AutomatedTester / browsermob-proxy-py

A python wrapper for Browsermob Proxy
236 stars 104 forks source link

implement all cli interface. #67

Open triostones opened 7 years ago

triostones commented 7 years ago

implement all cli interface.

$ browsermob-proxy --help
Option                                  Description                            
------                                  -----------                            
-?, --help                              This help text                         
--address                               The address to bind to (default:       
--port [Integer]                        The port to listen on (default: 8080)  
--proxyPortRange [Integer]              The range of ports to use for proxies  
                                          (default: [8081, 8581])              
--ttl [Integer]                         Time in seconds until an unused proxy  
                                          is deleted (default: 0)              
--use-littleproxy [Boolean]             Use the littleproxy backend instead of 
                                          the legacy Jetty 5-based             
                                          implementation (default: true) 
joshterrill commented 3 years ago

I'd love to have this get merged. I had to manually make changes similar to this to get my implementation of it to work.