Automattic / Automattic-Tracks-iOS

Client library for tracking user events for later analysis
GNU General Public License v2.0
40 stars 12 forks source link

Bump version to 3.1.0 #272

Closed mokagio closed 7 months ago

mokagio commented 7 months ago

This version bump PR is here only to leave a breadcrumb in the release process. Once CI is green, I will push the tag for this version and, once that is successfully deployed, admin-merge this.

mokagio commented 7 months ago

CI failed to validate the pod because of deprecation warnings:

- WARN  \| xcodebuild:  /opt/ci/builds/builder/automattic/tracks-ios/Sources/Model/ObjC/Common/TracksDeviceInformation.m:177:48: warning: 'statusBarFrame' is deprecated: first deprecated in iOS 13.0 - Use the statusBarManager property of the window scene instead. [-Wdeprecated-declarations]

I'll deploy the release manually from my machine using the --allow-warnings flag.

I should be straightforward to update the code to use the new recommended syntax (see StackOverflow, for example) but I don't want to do it in the context of a release PR that I will admin merge.

mokagio commented 7 months ago

I'll deploy the release manually from my machine using the --allow-warnings flag.

Taking longer than I wished because of slow Australian internet...

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