Automattic / VIP-Coding-Standards

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Composer: prevent a lock file from being created #828

Closed jrfnl closed 2 weeks ago

jrfnl commented 2 weeks ago

Composer 1.10.0 introduced a lock config option, which, when set to false will prevent a composer.lock file from being created and will ignore it when one exists.

This is a useful option for libraries such as this where the lock file has no meaning.

It also makes life easier for contributors as they don't have to remember that for this repo they should use composer update instead of composer install. Both will now work the same.


GaryJones commented 2 weeks ago

Why does the CI/CD unset the lock value (allowing the composer.lock to be created)?

jrfnl commented 2 weeks ago

Why does the CI/CD unset the lock value (allowing the composer.lock to be created)?

The reason is that we first use ramsey/composer-install to install & cache the dependencies and then only for builds with matrix.dependencies == 'lowest' runs a selective composer update --prefer-lowest ... for only the CS dependencies.

Without the lock file, that second command would run into the following Composer error:

Cannot update only a partial set of packages without a lock file present. Run `composer update` to generate a lock file.

@GaryJones Does that answer your question ?

GaryJones commented 2 weeks ago

It does (and it's what I suspected) - thanks!