G'day Mike,
v1.19 release changed layout of joblisting for
standard template is LI firstchild is A tag to the_job_permalink()
but now the_job_location( false ) returns an anchor-linked location:
A rel="tag" href="/?job_listing_region=springfield"
This in turn causes the browser to close the parent A tag, which in turn causes the single row of data to split up into three rows.
thanks mate.
G'day Mike, v1.19 release changed layout of joblisting for /wp-content/plugins/wp-job-manager/templates/content-job_listing.php standard template is LI firstchild is A tag to the_job_permalink() but now the_job_location( false ) returns an anchor-linked location: eg: A rel="tag" href="/?job_listing_region=springfield" This in turn causes the browser to close the parent A tag, which in turn causes the single row of data to split up into three rows. thanks mate.