Automattic / _s

Hi. I'm a starter theme called _s, or underscores, if you like. I'm a theme meant for hacking so don't use me as a Parent Theme. Instead try turning me into the next, most awesome, WordPress theme out there. That's what I'm here for.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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woocommerce customizations #1403

Closed peteratomic closed 4 years ago

peteratomic commented 4 years ago

I generated a new underscores theme and looking at the inc/woocommerce.php file, there's a clear implication that it should be customizing the shop based on this theme. Specifically the comment:

Wraps all WooCommerce content in wrappers which match the theme markup.

And yet, when adding a class to the "primary" div, nothing happens. Doesn't seem as if woocommerce is using this include at all. And when I try to add woocommerce templates (from the main wc plugin folder) those customizations are also not appearing.

Find it very odd that underscores doesn't seem to support woocommerce.

Ismail-elkorchi commented 4 years ago

Hi @peteratomic 👋 ! Thanks for the report.

And yet, when adding a class to the "primary" div, nothing happens.

Can you please explain what do you mean by adding a class to the "primary" div ? What you were expecting to happen ?

I've just set up locally a WordPress site with WooCommerce and a newly generated _s. Looking at the code, I found indeed the wrappers added by the function that you have mentioned as you can see in the screenshot below :


And when I try to add woocommerce templates (from the main wc plugin folder) those customizations are also not appearing.

I can't reproduce either. I created a folder with the name woocommerce, and I copied into it single-product.php from woocommerce/templates. and any changes to this file override without any problem the original one from the WooCommerce plugin.

Can you reproduce this issue with a fresh install of WordPress with only _s and WooCommerce ?

peteratomic commented 4 years ago

Apologies for an unnecessary post. User error.

I had been following a tutorial on the Woocommerce site and when nothing in it worked, I then started with a fresh _s download (with the WC functions) and got it partially working, but couldn't figure out why my edits in the WC inc file weren't showing up. Later discovered it was because I had forgotten to delete a specific file from my earlier tests.