Automattic / _s

Hi. I'm a starter theme called _s, or underscores, if you like. I'm a theme meant for hacking so don't use me as a Parent Theme. Instead try turning me into the next, most awesome, WordPress theme out there. That's what I'm here for.
GNU General Public License v2.0
10.93k stars 3.12k forks source link

Improved the category output on posts #1460

Open ndiego opened 3 years ago

ndiego commented 3 years ago

When a post has no category assigned to it, not even the default Uncategorized category that WordPress assigns, the _s_entry_footer() function still outputs "Posted on Uncategorized". This PR fixes that.

It appears as if this function was intended to display nothing when a post has no categories since it is checking if $categories_list exists. The problem is this variable is set to "Uncategorized" by default if the post has no categories assigned. In this PR, we are simply adding the has_category() check to the conditional. Then, when a post has no categories, nothing is displayed as expected!