Automattic / _s

Hi. I'm a starter theme called _s, or underscores, if you like. I'm a theme meant for hacking so don't use me as a Parent Theme. Instead try turning me into the next, most awesome, WordPress theme out there. That's what I'm here for.
GNU General Public License v2.0
10.92k stars 3.12k forks source link

ERRORS out of the BOX! WP 5.9.3 #1523

Open rubentomas opened 2 years ago

rubentomas commented 2 years ago

whats up with underscore being so unstable with wordpress 5.9.3

Captura de Tela 2022-05-19 às 6 19 18 PM

i've used this theme in the past... but im trying to dev a project for a client.. and its IMPOSSIBLE to move forward with so much issues.

whats wrong? iis it me and my computer?