Automattic / blockpatterns

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Link in Bio with Anime Background #299

Closed iamtakashi closed 1 year ago

iamtakashi commented 1 year ago

An additional LiB pattern based on the feedback from Matt. The Japanese text could potentially cause a problem in the translation process.

Category: Link in Bio

Tag: Pattern, Layout

Screenshot: dotcompatterns wordpress com__p=8074 preview=true


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<div class="wp-block-button has-custom-width wp-block-button__width-100"><a class="wp-block-button__link has-white-color has-text-color has-background wp-element-button" href="#" style="background-color:#4b1108">必見!アニメや映画をお得に見る方法</a></div>
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iamtakashi commented 1 year ago

cc @alaczek @onuro

alaczek commented 1 year ago

Is the idea here for the text to be in Japanese(?) instead of English by default?

iamtakashi commented 1 year ago

Yes. I'm wondering if it's going to be a problem. What do you think?

alaczek commented 1 year ago

It will definitely stick out from all the other patterns that use English, that's for sure. I appreciate that it complements the design, but for practical reasons, I'd switch to English.

iamtakashi commented 1 year ago

Right. When a pattern is published the strings will be sent to glotpress to be translated into other languages. If the default is in Japanese, it will be a problem as many translators won't understand it.

I've changed it to English before publishing it. Although it lost the vibe a bit, it still looks ok in English.

dotcompatterns wordpress com__p=8074 preview=true (2)

iamtakashi commented 1 year ago


iamtakashi commented 1 year ago

When a pattern is published the strings will be sent to glotpress to be translated into other languages. If the default is in Japanese, it will be a problem as many translators won't understand it.

Apparently, we can change the priority to low in Glotpress for the strings that we don't want to be translated. It's not clear to me yet if they will eventually be translated or not. Asking i18n team about it.

We're very keen on portraying more the international flavour so I changed them back to Japanese. Let's see.

iamtakashi commented 1 year ago

Asking i18n team about it.

We can actually make the string hidden so that no one touches it. This is very cool.